Yes, my friends. It continues.
I had hoped that my previous post, filled with all the sincerity and hope I could muster despite my feeling of distress, has done little more than to label me a liar, and even worse, a racist.
It seems that members of the Bonechewer guild
Averna, the young tree who began this fuss, recently posted on her blog:
EDIT AGAIN: Two of my guildies have reported being harrassed by this so called "benevolent" Applebough. I *really* wish I had taken screenshots (I'm kicking myself here) , but here's the paraphrase: [Guild] [Norda]: i walked by Applbough today and he flipped me the bird and then, later:
[Guild] [Taletha]: Applebough hit me today. HA! I knew it!! NOT SO BENEVOLENT AFTERALL!
How do I refute this??? I stand in Dalaran all day long, selling my wares honestly, trying to be kind to all who pass, and yet these accusations!
I have NEVER hit anyone, and I have it on good authority that this "Taletha" person is acting out in anger because of his own mathematical deficiencies. And while I have never been one to badmouth another Azerothian, do not even get me started on this "Norda" person...
As to the accusations of racism against the mighty Tauren people, my fruit stand is near the Alliance Center and the only Horde who generally come near there are young troublemakers and hoodlums. So yes, the only Tauren I have had exposure to are foul-smelling and ill-mannered. I would love to have a decent member of Tauren society come visit me, and I sincerely hope that my comment, regrettably inappropriate, has not turned them against me. I have since written a formal apology to Cairne, and am anxiously awaiting his reply.
This slander needs to cease. My leaves are falling out in the moonwell in the morning when I bathe, and before long, I will have neither my good reputation nor my beautiful foliage.
That is why I am making a plea to those who call themselves members of the "Friends of Applebough Society." Please, please help me to restore my tarnished reputation and allow me to live out a long and stress-free existence.